This is incredible. As soon as I finish this blog post I'm going to download it and compile it! Maybe I'll set up a binary file for all my (who am I kidding?) readers.
Definitely would recommend you check out the source link if you want to compile it yourself.
So I got lazy and downloaded an IMG from
Here's a quick tutorial on how to set it up in Virtual Box in Linux.
Download the file from (I chose to do the torrent way and was getting around 1 megabyte a second down)
Make a new directory for your extracted file. I called my chrome-os but you can call it whatever.
mkdir ~/chrome-os
Now, when I download things, I have them sent to my ~/downloads directory. Your directory might be different. (In Ubuntu, the directory is ~/Downloads note the capital "D")
We need to move the ChromeOS-Cherry.tar.gz to the new directory we created.
mv ~/downloads/ChromeOS-Cherry.tar.gz ~/chrome-os
Now we move into the directory.
cd ~/chrome-os
And unpack it...
tar -xvvzf ChromeOS-Cherry.tar.gz
That will create "ChromeOS-Cherry.img"
Here you have to options. We could just turn the .IMG into a VirtualBox harddrive, or we could burn it to a USB. I'll go over the former first.
To turn the .IMG directly into a VirtualBox harddrive we run
VBoxManage convertfromraw -format VDI ChromeOS-Cherry.img chrome-os.vdi
Now we just need to make a new instance in VirtualBox and attach the hard drive!
The second way is to burn it to a USB.
sudo dd if=ChromeOS-Cherry.img of=/dev/X bs=4M
Where "X" is your usb drive (typically sdb or sdc depending on your setup)
I'll be giving my review tomorrow night.